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Regarding the export of lithium batteries for portable appliances

Time:2020-6-1 18:02:26   Click:
Product Range
Since February 1, 2019, lithium batteries and portable battery packs for portable appliances with an energy density of 400Wh or above must be marked with a round PSE mark on the product and meet J62133 (H28) (JISC8712 (2015) and IEC62133 (2012 ) Integration) standard requirements.
Please note that the newly added products are still aimed at the lithium battery energy density requirement of 400Wh / above, and the energy density of 400Wh / below is still not subject to control as before.
Transitional arrangements
Amendment / implementation: February 1, 2018
Transition period: January 31, 2019
Since February 1, 2019, it has been prohibited to manufacture, import or sell any mobile power that does not meet the requirements of the Japanese PSE regulations.
According to the content of this revision, in addition to lithium batteries, portable electrical appliances equipped with replaceable rechargeable lithium batteries, portable batteries (such as mobile power, Bluetooth headsets, Bluetooth speakers, electronic cigarettes, etc.) also belong to the electrical safety round PSE Control objects.
Address:10F, No. 153, zone 1, Yucui community, Longhua street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
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